



The MITMERN Bank app provides users with a seamless and secure platform to manage their finances. Users can create accounts, log in securely, and perform transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and fund transfers. The app features real-time balance updates and transaction validation, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. With a sleek, intuitive interface crafted using React, CSS, and Bootstrap, users enjoy a user-friendly experience for all their banking needs.


  • Account Management: Users can create accounts, log in securely, and manage their profiles.
  • Transactions: Perform deposits, withdrawals, and transfers with real-time balance updates.
  • Admin Dashboard: Admins can view all users, accounts, and transactions with scrolling enabled for easy management.
  • User Dashboard: Users can view their account details and recent transactions in a clear, organized layout.
  • Responsive Design: The app is fully responsive, offering an optimal experience across devices.
  • Security: JWT-based authentication ensures secure access to user accounts.


Recent updates to enhance user experience and functionality include:

  • Navigation: Improved navbar with clear indicators and professional dropdowns.
  • Feedback: Success and error messages for user actions, improving clarity.
  • UI Consistency: Uniform Bootstrap card styles across all pages, with added splashes of color for visual appeal.
  • Transfer Funds: A dedicated section for transferring funds between accounts.
  • Admin Dashboard: Scrollable interface for easier management of data.

How to Run

To run the MITMERN Bank App on your machine, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository:
    git clone
  • Navigate to the directory:
    cd bank
  • Install the necessary dependencies for both the front-end and back-end:
    cd frontend

    npm install
  • Then, do the same for the backend:
    cd ./backend

    npm install
  • Set up environment variables:
  • Ensure that you have all the necessary environment variables set up for both the front-end and back-end.
  • For the backend, create a .env file in the backend directory and add the required environment variables:

  • For the frontend, you might also need to configure environment variables if applicable.
  • Run the back-end server:
  • From the backend directory:
    npm run dev
  • The back-end server should now be running on http://localhost:5001.
  • Run the front-end server:
  • Open a new terminal, navigate to the frontend directory, and start the front-end server:
    npm start
  • The front-end server should now be running on http://localhost:3000.
  • Open your preferred browser and navigate to:
  • You should now see the MITMERN Bank App running locally.

Roadmap of Future Improvements

Future improvements for the MITMERN App include:

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adding an extra layer of security.

Detailed User Dashboard: Providing more insights and features.

Transaction Categories & Budgeting Tools: Helping users manage their finances better.

Mobile App Development: Expanding accessibility to mobile users.

Personalization & Notifications: Enhancing user engagement with personalized features.

Tech Stack & Tools:


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