
Maria Lee

Hello! I'm a Web Developer, currently diving into the world of full-stack development, soaking up knowledge, and building cool projects along the way. Always eager to contribute my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to innovative projects. My primary expertise lies in crafting projects that collectively showcase a diverse skill set in web development, emphasizing interactivity, creativity, and real-time data visualization.
Check out my latest projects and video introduction below.
GitHub: marialee222

Clients I Worked With

You can list client testimonials here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at erat vel quam cursus sagittis. Highlighted text example etiam volutpat ornare quam at cursus mi tristique sit amet.
Sam Doe, Lead Developer at Stripe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at erat vel quam cursus sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas est at lorem lacinia malesuada vel at arcu.
Sarah Doe, Project Manager at Revlout
Excellent lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at erat vel quam cursus sagittis. Curabitur vestibulum mollis leo, sed ultricies felis egestas ac. Etiam volutpat ornare quam.
James Doe, Tech Lead at Coinbase

Skills & Experiences

My journey into the world of web development has exposed me to a variety of technologies, and I thrive on turning creative ideas into functional, user-friendly solutions. In my explorations and projects, I've gained proficiency in a wide array of technologies:

Web Development

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Database Infrastructure

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iOS App

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Android App

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Color Switcher