
My Projects

As a dedicated tech enthusiast, I'm on a mission to craft exceptional digital experiences.⛏🧱 With a keen eye 👁️ for design and a knack for coding, I bring ideas to life 🌱 through responsive and user-centric websites. 💻 My GitHub is a playground 🥎 of creative solutions 🛝 and clean code. 🫧 Need help with your project? Book a free session with me to discuss your specific project requirements and how I can help you.


PacMen Exercise Click Here to enjoy the PacMen Adventure!

The PacMan exercise is a simple interactive web application that allows users to create and control multiple PacMan characters on the screen. Users can add PacMan characters and start the game, with the added feature of controlling the characters' movements using keyboard arrow keys. The exercise aims to demonstrate basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills while providing an engaging and interactive user experience.

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Eyes Exercise Click here to explore customization options!

The Eye Exercise is a fun and visually appealing project that creates interactive eye animations using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The project features a pair of expressive eyes that follow the user's mouse movements, creating an engaging and interactive experience. The eyes are not only responsive to user actions but can also be customized to suit user preferences.

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Real-Time Bus Tracker Click here to check out the real-time bus tracking feature!

The Real-Time Bus Tracker is a web application that leverages HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to visualize the movement of a bus between MIT and Harvard. Users can interact with the map, and a dynamic bus icon updates its position in real-time along the predefined route. The application enhances the user experience with a user-friendly button, inviting users to effortlessly track the bus's journey between two iconic locations.

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FilmFetch Click here to check out FilmFetch!

FilmFetch is a React app that allows users to search for movies using the OMDb API (Open Movie Database). The FilmFetch App is a user-friendly platform for discovering and exploring movies. The app is built using JavaScript with the React library. It also uses CSS for styling.

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ToDo App Click here to check out the ToDo App!

The ToDo App allows users to add new to-do items using a form and remove existing items by clicking on a remove button associated with each item. The application state is managed by React's state management hooks (useState), and the components are styled using CSS.

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Tic-tac-toe App Click here to check out the Tic-tac-toe App!

The Tic-tac-toe App is a user-friendly platform for playing the classic game of Tic-tac-toe. It allows users to compete against each other or play against the computer. The app is built using JavaScript with the React library and CSS for styling.

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ATM App Click here to check out the ATM App!

The ATM app allows users to simulate depositing or withdrawing cash. It offers a form where users can select either a deposit or cashback operation, input the desired amount, and submit the transaction. The application's state is managed through React's useState hook, ensuring dynamic updates to the total account balance and transaction validation. Styling is handled using CSS, providing a clean and user-friendly interface.

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MITMERN Bank App Click here to check out the MITMERN Bank App!

The MITMERN Bank app provides users with a seamless and secure platform to manage their finances. Users can create accounts, log in securely, and perform transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and fund transfers. The app features real-time balance updates and transaction validation, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. With a sleek, intuitive interface crafted using React, CSS, and Bootstrap, users enjoy a user-friendly experience for all their banking needs.

Tech Stack & Tools:

  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • React.js
  • GitHub
  • Git
  • Visual Studio
  • Heroku
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Chrome Extension Maecenas

Project summary goes here. Sed vel vestibulum dolor. Nam nisl ipsum, tristique ut aliquam vel, dignissim eget dui. Praesent quis imperdiet ex.

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Data Analytics App

Project summary goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In metus nunc, fringilla ut viverra ut, placerat sed nisl.

Tech Stack:

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Your website is often the central hub for your online presence. It's the place where potential customers can learn more about your products or services. A well-developed website provides a positive user experience, which is crucial for retaining visitors and converting them into leads.
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